Plumbing Solutions

There is a wide range of plumbing solutions which includes Pipes and fittings ideal for household, industrial and commercial applications producing eco-friendly,anti-microbial, cost-effective suitable solutions for carrying drinking water.
Types of Pipes & Fittings
- CPVC Pipes & Fittings
- Â UPVC Pipes & Fittings
- Column Pipes & Fittings
- SWR Pipes & Fittings
- Pressure Pipes & Fittings
- UGD Pipes & Fittings
- Low Noise Pipes
- Single Stack Drainage System
1. CPVC Pipes and Fittings
Key Features and Benefits
- Cost Effective and Easy to Install
- Smooth Internal Surface
- Fire Resistant
- Suitable for carrying Drinking Water
- Resistance to Chemicals, Corrosion, and Abrasion
- Energy Efficient
- Antimicrobial
- Perfect for External Use
- CPVC applications include water supply pipes, water-based heat transfer systems, sprinkler systems, and drain lines, in both commercial and residential buildings
- CPVC Pipes are the ideal choice because they are corrosion-resistant, durable, smooth, friction-free, resistant to bacterial growth, and environment friendly.CPVC Pipes are 100% leakproof and keep the health of your walls for a long time.
- The choice of piping systems for water utilities is based on overall long-term value. The pipes and fittings must deliver on factors like long-term costs, reliability, versatility, environmental effect, drinking water safety, and public health.
2. UPVC Pipes and Fittings
Key Features and Benefits
- Cost Effective and Easy to Install
- Smooth Internal Surface
- Fire Resistant
- Suitable for carrying Drinking Water
- Resistance to Chemicals, Corrosion, and Abrasion
- Energy Efficient
- Antimicrobial
- Perfect for External Use
- Potable water transportation (underground pipelines)
- Tube wells, Bore wells, etc
- Domestic water supply lines
3. Column Pipes Systems
Key Features and Benefits
- Specially designed square threads ensure a very high load-holding capacity and these threads do not rust or deteriorateÂ
- Special EPDM rubber seals & SS double wire lock are provided with the thread to ensure 100% leakproof at high pump pressureÂ
- Since the internal surface is very smooth, head loss due to friction is low and water discharge is moreÂ
- Lightweight pipes and easy installation
- Column Pipes Systems is an easy & economical product for underground bore well water application in residential, commercial & industrial buildings
- The choice of Piping systems for underground bore well water utilizes is based on overall long-term value. The pipes must deliver factors like long-term cost, reliability, versatility, environmental effect
4. SWR Pipes and Fittings
Key Features and Benefits
- High Degree of Dimensional AccuracyÂ
- 100% Leak-Proof Joints due to True Fit TechnologyÂ
- Quick and Convenient InstallationÂ
- Smoother Inner Surface for High Flow RateÂ
- Cost Effective & UV Stabilized
- Corrosion & Chemical Resistant & Maintenance FreeÂ
- No Bacterial Growth compared to other piping material
- UPVC SWR Drainage System is an easy & economical product for drainage of soil, waste & rainwater application in residential, commercial & industrial buildings conforming to IS-13592-13 & IS-14735-99
- The choice of Piping systems for rainwater and drainage water utilizes is based on overall long-term value. The Pipes and Fittings must deliver factors like long-term cost, reliability, versatility, environmental effect
5. Pressure Pipes and Fittings
Key Features and Benefits
- High Degree of Dimensional AccuracyÂ
- 100% Leak-Proof Joints due to True Fit TechnologyÂ
- Quick and Convenient InstallationÂ
- Smoother Inner Surface for a high flow rateÂ
- Cost Effective & UV StabilizedÂ
- No Bacterial Growth compared to other piping material
- UPVC water System is an easy & economical product for water supplies and irrigation applications in Govt sector, Agriculture sector & Commercial Buildings conforming to IS-4985-00 & IS-7834-89
- The choice of Piping systems for potable water supplies & irrigation utilizes is based on overall long-term value. The Pipes and Fittings must deliver factors like long-term cost, reliability, versatility, and environmental effect
6. UGD Pipes and Fittings
Key Features and Benefits
- Sufficient durability to meet soil
- Overload requirements
- High flow capacity
- Great flexibility
- Easy Installation
- Long Lasting
7. Low Noise Pipes
Key Features and Benefits
- Low Noise Pipes
- Strong and durable
- Easy and leakproof joints
- Smooth bore
- Light weight as compared to CI
- Extensive range of pipes and fittings
- Unique design and elegant
- Swept entry design of the tee’s meet UPC requirements.
- Chamfered pipe ends
- Excellent corrosion and chemical resistance
- Good fire-resistant properties
- Compatible with existing SWR systems
- Cost-effective
8. Single Stack Drainage System
Single Stack Drainage System is a new-age solution for SWR systems in multi-storey buildings. It combines 3 separate lines of soil, waste & vent into one single line and it prevents hydraulic plug formation in the soil waste drainage system of high-rise buildings by reducing the velocity of soil and waste drainage by providing the path for air venting. The engineered design is meant to offer an economical & high-performance alternative to conventional drainage systems. Moreover, a Single Stack Drainage System provides up to 6 connection options at any floor level thereby giving you significant cost savings in terms of reduced piping work & associated construction.
Comparison Between 3 Stack System Vs Single Stack Aerator System

3 Stack System
- Wide duct space is required which reduces the floor carpet area.
- Use of more material to build up the system.Â
- Longer execution time   Â

Aerator System
- Saves duct space, giving more carpet  Area to builders Â
- Less material is required.
- Â Less execution time
Recommended Distance between two Aerators
- It should be planned on each floor with a maximum distance of 6 meters
- High-rise buildings / Multi-storey buildings
- Hotel
Installation per floor
- It should be planned on each floor with a maximum distance of 6 meters
Size of the product
Size of the product
- 110mm
- Effective for handling pressure created by gas (pneumatic) & wastewater (hydraulic).
- Multiple joint possibilities, offers 6 connection options with 3 outlets of 110mm for soil waste & 3 outlets of 75mm for liquid waste.
- Saves space, material & reduces joints.
- No separate ventilation pipes are required.
- Works as velocity reducer on every floor & controls the flow.
- Protects the Trap seal in the sanitary system which maintains the hygiene of your bathrooms & toilets.
- Easy to install.

Types of Single Stack Drainage Systems
There are 3 types of Single Stack Drainage Systems that have their own benefits & offer a choice to the user. These are as mentioned below:
1. Rubber Ring Joint
These types of joints are demountable & In case of any replacement in the system, it can be easily done without placing the entire system. These are available with world-class souls that ensure leakproof joints

2. Solvent Joint
This advanced Solvens Joint provides a long-lasting solution for leakproof operation. Tailor-made to have a long shelf life, they have been crafted for areas that require permanent fixtures.
3. Rubber & Solvent Joint
This is a combination of RR & Solvent joints into one. The top end of the fitting is a rubber ring joint while the rest of the inlets of 110 mm & 75 mm are solvent joints.

- It helps replace the 110mm pipe connected to the Aerator.
- If less than 6 connections are required, the unused/unjoint inlets can be closed with the help of socket plugs and solvent joints.
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