Hack Aid Plast

What is Hack Aid Plast ?
Hack Aid Plast Is The New Way To Increase Speed And Improve the Quality Of Plastering.
Hack Aid Plast is a unique single-component liquid bonding agent for plaster that strengthens the bond between the plaster and concrete.
Hack Aid Plast is an efficient and cost-effective product that costs approximately Rs. 2.5 per sq. ft. This product is a customized solution that eliminates the need to hack concrete surfaces that will receive plaster.
Benefits of using Hack Aid Plast
- It ensures complete contact and bonding of plaster with concrete surfaces.
- Significantly reduces wastage and rebound loss of plaster.
- The speed of the work in plastering is significantly increased, resulting in significant labor cost savings.
- Laboratory tests indicate that the force required to pull out HACK AID PLAST-aided plastered surfaces is twice the force needed to pull out ordinary plaster.
- Improves the quality and service life of plaster.
How to apply Hack Aid Plast:
The following methodology is to be followed while using Hack Aid Plast:
- Clean the concrete surface using a water jet to remove dirt and lose particles.
- Apply a coat of Hack Aid Plast on the clean, moist surface directly using a spray or brush.
- Check and ensure the surface is tacky before the chaat (dash)coat application.
- The tacky period may differ depending on external atmospheric conditions, saturation degree of the substrate, etc.
- ⦁ After setting the chaat (dash) coat, plaster the surface in the usual manner.
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