Shutter Release Agents

Key Features

  • To provide quick, clean and easy stripping of molds and formwork and ensure high-quality fair-faced and stain-free concrete.
  • For easy stain-free removal of concrete molds and formwork of all types, particularly where wooden formwork is used and de-moulding and stripping times exceed 24 hrs.
  • Provides a clean positive release even in intricate and difficult casting conditions 
  • Reduces labor cost, cleaning time and possible damages to the formwork.
  • Shutter release agents are cheaper than shuttering oils as in one application it gives 2 repetitions (except monsoon season)
  • Shutter release agents increase the shuttering life
  • Shutter release agents do not leave oil marks behind on concrete surfaces.


  • Ensures easy release, good fair-faced concrete
  • Can be used on all types of formwork
  • Minimises surface blemishes and staining
  • Minimises cleaning of shutters before reuse
  • Reduces opportunity of damage to formwork, extending usable life

Coverage rate

It is possible to achieve normal coverage rates of 20 to 60 m2 per liter (0.015 to 0.050 liters/m2), depending on the porosity and roughness of the mold surface. The thinnest feasible coating will yield the best results. Applying too much should be avoided. It is uneconomical to apply release agent excessively to flat surfaces or in a way that causes it to pool in the corners of forms, as this can cause surface dusting or, in the worst situations, surface retardation.

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